How to Avoid Burnout
Without Stepping Back From Your Career




The Goodlife Institute is a well-being company changing how the game of success is played. Our flagship program, Corporate Women Unleashed, teaches hyper-successful women how to protect their careers from burnout and enjoy their success.



Founder & Creator

Kate is the founder and creator of the Corporate Women Unleashed method ― the only program that truly unlocks the gilded cage without a trade-off. She’s helped thousands of women worldwide protect their careers from burnout and lean into deeply meaningful personal lives without walking away or stepping back.


Ali Swan

Executive Coach

Ali is a tenured executive coach working in both corporate and higher education environments helping C-suite executives tackle change management, conflict resolution, and organizational change. She also brings somatic and neuroscience-based  techniques to help clients recalibrate on a deeper, transformational level


Performance Coach

Erin is a seasoned performance coach coaching athletes and olympians to break past mental barriers.

She is also a top yoga trainer, author, entrepreneur and single mom.

A straight shooter she holds clients accountable to play full out, while she walks alongside them every step of the way.  

Kitty Jones, Client Support

kitty jones

Client Success Manager

Kitty is a top-tier Client Success Manager well-versed in the coaching and personal growth industry. She understands the courage required when undertaking a significant life change and she loves being a resource to ease the journey where possible. Kitty works alongside the performance coaching team to ensure every client receives a seamless and transformational experience.

Professional headshot of Kendra Court, Breakthrough Coach at The Goodlife Insitute.

Kendra Court

Breakthrough Coach

Kendra has a successful track portfolio in both corporate and entrepreneurial environments, she suffered her own burnout, which led to stepping back. Unfulfilled with a lesser role, today her passion is helping other strong women avoid the same misstep. She is a fierce advocate for ending the cycle of burnout and helping women clearly see a path to living a healthier version of success.

Professional headshot of Summer Bellamy, Breakthrough Coach at The Goodlife Insitute.

Summer Bellamy

Breakthrough Coach

Since the age of 14, Summer has been a student of personal development and human potential which gives her deep expertise in helping senior level women understand the lesser-known and more advanced pathways to achieve personal fulfillment and life balance. An ardent champion of women, she has spent her career in leadership roles for women-owned businesses. 

Ashley Jangro

Breakthrough Coach

Ashley, a sales and marketing coach and educator, teaches women to earn significantly while maintaining their values and family time. After becoming certified as a life coach, Ashley refined her sales strategy, aligning it with genuine coaching. She now guides other coaches, particularly women, in growing their businesses impactfully, ensuring they thrive financially without compromising on what matters most.


Tech Lead

Mason is well-versed in optimizing technology and workflows with agility and creativity. With a background in tech operations and project management, he solves the behind-the-scenes puzzles to help the team excel at what they do best. He is deeply passionate about positive psychology and wellness, actively studying and integrating these principles into his personal and professional endeavors.

Melissa Sylvain, Operations Assistant

melissa sylvain

Operations Support

Melissa has over 15 years of customer success operations, systems, and customer journey experience. She ensures every client receives an outstanding experience and tackles many of our toughest challenges.

stefano zapata

Chief of Staff to the CEO

Stefano is an accomplished Chief of Staff with experience in both public companies and startups. He has led operations, driving operational excellence and alignment through the streamlining of processes. His expertise lies in optimizing efficiency and ensuring seamless organizational performance through project management

This is


we get out of bed:

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Here are organizations we’re proud to support in service of that goal:

Kiva logo

Worldwide, women have much less economic opportunity, security, and freedom. We support women starting their own businesses, going to school, and investing in the health of their communities and families.

Charity: water logo

charity: water is on a mission to bring clean and safe water to every person on the planet. We support their mission in honor of Letikiros Hailu, a young 13-year old girl who never made it home from a 10-hour journey to collect fresh water.

Malala Fund logo

We believe every girl deserves an education. The Malala Fund is working toward a world where all girls can learn for 12 years and lead without fear.